It’s October now and, even in balmy Charleston, our garden is about done. As I think back on this year’s version of our Garden Project, it occurs to me that there are parallels to be seen in gardening and life. Jesus seemed to be fond of showing people the deep truths of life in the simple and familiar things that we experience and work in every day. Stories of mustard seeds, sowing seeds, pulling weeds, fig trees… God even started everything off with a Garden.
I don’t have any intentions of matching the theology of Jesus, but here are a few things I’ve noticed that gardening has in common with life:
- Timing is everything.
- Embrace our partnership with God. There is a part that only He can do and there is a part that He asks us to do.
- Follow the instructions. Invest in watering, weeding and care. If we are faithful, the harvest will nearly always be great.
- Sometimes, even when we do everything right, something goes wrong doesn’t go the way we had hoped and we don’t know why. This is the providence of God.
- Don’t forget to witness and value the miracles that abound in everyday life.
- Sometimes God will surprise you. When you think the bell peppers aren’t going to make it, they produce a bumper crop.
- Some of the best things in life happen in the morning.
- Pull weeds early on. It’s much more painful and difficult once they’ve taken root.
- It all starts with good soil. It may not smell great, but…
- There is value in patience. Some things cannot be rushed.
Lord, help us to see YOU in all that we do. Show us the deep things of life in the simple. Help us to invest our hearts in our families, kids, jobs and… gardens – the way You invest in us.