Archive for August, 2011

(My Favorite iPhone Apps…) I mean a bit about Steve Jobs

John & Erin opening the new MacBook Pro for the first time!

Note:  This started out as a long-overdue list of my favorite iPhone apps that several friends had asked me for over the past few months. As I sat down to write it, I began to reflect on technology in general and then I remembered that today is a landmark day in the world of technology. So, I will write my list…later and I’ll finish these thoughts now. That’s just the way I roll.

Steve Jobs resigned as the CEO of Apple today. I don’t know the man personally at all, but he seems to have made quite an impact on the stuff that I work on and with every day these days. I have been a Mac guy since 1984, when I made those first AppleTalk phone wire connections to a couple of Classics at a planning company where I worked. Now I’m typing this post on my beloved 17″ MacBook Pro I purchased about a year ago in August 2010 to replace my G5 desktop (see the first photo on the right that Erin and I took with the onboard camera that first day we opened it). Back then, our hard drive was a 3.5″ diskette that we popped in when we wanted to save something. Now, as I look around my office, I have over 15 TERABYTES of disk space across various hard drives – and that’s not really a lot if you think about it. In 3 years, the terabyte will be the “new” gigabyte. Mr. Jobs hasn’t been responsible for ALL of the advances in technology, just most of the ones that have been done with excellence. And for that, Steve, we thank you.

Only a few months ago, I caught Mr. Job’s 2005 commencement address at Stanford University on YouTube. He tells three stories and it’s worth watching. Take a look – it’s about 15 minutes long.